Parent Salon information
parent salon
Parenting is an Art. It is not about Right or Wrong, but about finding the Key to a Way that brings Joy to both, Parent and Child.
Friday Morning 10:00-11:30
344 Flume Street
Chico, CA 95928
Max. 6 Parents of children ages 2 to 7
Commitment to min. 4 sessions
Group will form once 4 to 6 parents have registered.
Wondering about the Key to raising a Resilient and Confident Child?
Stressed by Parenting Challenges?
Feeling Alone as a Parent?
In a warm and welcoming environment, together with other parents, and facilitated by child therapist An Bulkens, we will take your parenting experiences as a starting point for reflection. We will explore in a new way the complex links between the parent’s and the child's behaviors, feelings and words.
Parents will discover the power of their capacity for reflection in building a strong connection with their child.
CALL An at (530) 321-2970